Indian Village Directory

Kundura is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Koraput District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Kundura has a population of 57038 peoples. There are 13835 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kundura sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kundura
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 27830 27830 27830
Female Population 29208 0 29208
Households 13835 0 13835
list of all Villages in Kundura
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kanaguda 217 548
Dangarapalli 397 1320
Bagderi 1671 1926
Temaraguda 78 187
Raniguda 356 1200
Siuniguda 228 556
Sargiguda 425 892
Padmapur 74 158
Atigam 280 515
Bhusangaguda 240 1317
Katariput 180 363
Girliguda 728 1506
Khatalapadar 399 1114
Naikera 456 1046
Tobhapodar 104 571
Kaliaguda 101 355
Pakhanaguda 628 1009
Soralguda 105 423
Jamukonadi 206 575
Krupakote 112 151
Boribeta 307 148
Rexakonadi 382 114
Guliguda 467 233
Kenduput 154 61
Pandrimati 432 126
Dudumaguda 121 109
Jabapadar 756 814
Tumbapadar 231 126
Kondajodi 266 209
Bisibeta 547 252
Kaujharan 174 127
Podapadar 95 66
Gamakapadar 255 176
Bandhanpodar 54 110
Kerimity 923 1795
Kadalimunda 942 1407
Kundura 2032 5326
Jiraguda 385 981
Bhejahandi 397 1093
Bedapaunsi 541 1845
Dangarpaunsi 237 1025
Jabapatroput 482 1185
Karanaguda 59 163
Phupugam 1151 2121
Pradhaniput 209 621
Kudumpadar 162 378
Naragam 524 814
Jhiligan 301 449
Heruguda 339 406
Limma 1259 3373
Dhuruguda 506 1171
Phulabhatta 197 296
Dudumapadar 184 131
Bhatapani 199 185
Padeikunda 226 227
Kumbhikhari 267 324
Kaliajholi 323 177
Asana 1517 2766
Ghiuriaguda 204 361
Gundala 2003 3211
Phukiaguda 425 659
Majhiguda 326 340
Banuaguda 372 1106
Taraput 835 1373
Baraguda 140 413
Uduliaguda 168 115
Gorahandi 676 2798

Map of Kundura

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