Indian Village Directory

Ramachandi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Puri District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Ramachandi has a population of 22531 peoples. There are 4805 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Ramachandi sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Ramachandi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 11424 11424 11424
Female Population 11107 0 11107
Households 4805 0 4805
list of all Villages in Ramachandi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Putupada 147 304
Alanda 187 434
Baniasahi 124 1069
Inchol 194 974
Rusipada 172 1023
Khandamuhan 32 34
Sadansa 25 4
Alasankha 110 614
Podatara 49 525
Kabirajapur 71 486
Chatola 67 520
Dikhitapur 15 86
Bereda 69 286
Inchera 137 642
Panisiuli 23 0
Ilajanga 63 115
Dubutara 41 343
Itibhuan 87 594
Banbarada 62 461
Bhuan 359 2392
Haingara 100 334
Dopada 84 187
Gadabangor 2165 44
Badagan 265 1503
Manchia 47 0
Chatabarai 137 42
Jakhara 125 0
Sutana 584 2693
Tarakor 603 3346
Bangar 581 1884
Khalakata 1499 1585
Sahukhanata 180 7

Map of Ramachandi

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