Indian Village Directory

Puducherry union territory

The capital of Puducherry union territory is Pondicherry, Its population is as per the 2011 census. The state covers an area of 492 Sq kms, Tamil, English, French, Telugu and Malayalam are the main languages of Puducherry union territory.

List of Districts in Puducherry union territory
District Total Population(2011) Total Village
Karaikal 200222 28
Mahe 41816 0
Puducherry 950289 62
Yanam 55626 0
Fact of Puducherry union territory
Area 492 Sq kms
Capital Pondicherry
Population 1244464
Males Population (2011) 610485
Females Population (2011) 633979
Languages Tamil, English, French, Telugu and Malayalam

Map of Puducherry union territory

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