Indian Village Directory

Nadoti is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Karauli District of Rajasthan. According to Census 2011 information Nadoti has a population of 150898 peoples. There are 28029 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Nadoti sub-district of Rajasthan state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Nadoti
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 80479 80479 80479
Female Population 70419 0 70419
Households 28029 0 28029
list of all Villages in Nadoti
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Chainpura 619.57 909
Meenapatti 387.7 762
Rampura 247.23 632
Sandera 463.92 1145
Rajpur 387.95 1029
Mohchi Ka Pura 163.75 864
Talchida 241.84 958
Ramdhan Ka Pura 322.77 620
Garhi 367.19 804
Bara 301.85 1040
Timawa 911.45 2739
Dholeta 843.43 2352
Andhiya Khera 511.35 2206
Barh Kemri 212.37 958
Bheelapara 500.2 1813
Balakhera 266.11 1546
Maloopara 347.06 1102
Ghatoli 273 495
Rengaspura 244.68 808
Gotya Ka Pura 149.59 362
Nayavasi 223.44 545
Rugnath Pura 219.7 704
Amli Ka Pura 121.67 534
Gurha Chandraji 1940.13 7974
Gidani 347.27 708
Rajahera 399.37 1190
Muhana 376.26 1259
Guna 369.22 1003
Bhanwarwara 441.37 1273
Jahra 1021.23 1989
Machri 355.12 1105
Khurd 56.1 330
Bhanwra 258.88 641
Nayawas 224.31 503
Gothra 333.69 757
Dhadanga 123.1 323
Dhahariya 663.13 2197
Barh Nadoti 227.76 0
Nadoti 1475.87 5318
Barh Sikandarpur 55.76 0
Sikandarpur 331.07 497
Ibrahimpur 119.05 691
Bara Wajidpur 376.89 1762
Dhamadi Ka Pura 86.75 671
Mehta Ka Pura 123.25 646
Maidhe Ka Pura 202.49 1266
Jindon Ka Pura 143.56 1178
Dhand Ka Pura 274.63 1400
Kaimri 533.03 2657
Deonagar 427.99 1171
Tesgaon 1182.56 4594
Kakala 159.03 398
Bilai 232.6 543
Ralawata 514.23 1636
Khedla 467.69 1546
Ronsi 1247.56 4081
Bara Pura 146.75 506
Chak Kemla 17.2 0
Kemla 1506.88 5100
Milak Saray 874.87 1578
Hafzabad 74.08 0
Kunjela 1747.26 3484
Kherli 412.88 1308
Barh Baragaon 52.72 0
Nayapura 375.43 1340
Baragaon 705.83 1285
Hodaheli 166.46 235
Kaima 1388.03 2480
Barh Bardala 279.88 0
Bardala 2315.32 4107
Jeerna 389.9 1037
Alooda 548.31 1028
Barh Jeerna 285.73 0
Dalpura 449.73 1057
Jeetkipur 999.31 1935
Loda 629.43 1059
Harloda 328.43 746
Pal 1292.27 2809
Boorwal Ki Dhani 263.95 712
Lalsar 739.66 1454
Bhondwara 409.1 816
Ganwari 246.67 1142
Chirawanda 3251.69 3730
Dhola Danta 638.25 255
Garhmora 2127.04 5341
Rewasa 497.13 607
Rupadi 256.01 821
Barh Naya Bas 265.16 397
Raisana 1550.25 3219
Garhkhera 536.28 3046
Khoyli 812.17 1021
Palri 252.53 360
Salawad 1695.6 2785
Bagor 1653.28 1940
Barh Bagor 117.97 0
Bamori 794.73 922
Gurli 454.37 861
Moruchi Khalsa 187.82 0
Moruchi Jageer 317.95 0
Garhi Khempur 272.77 250
Khura Chainpura 488.6 993
Shahar 3694.94 5173
Lahawad 1083.66 1544
Sop 2736.25 5010
Bara Pichanot 608.46 842
Sanwta 277.24 329

Map of Nadoti

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