Indian Village Directory

Rohat is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Pali District of Rajasthan. According to Census 2011 information Rohat has a population of 120963 peoples. There are 22288 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Rohat sub-district of Rajasthan state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Rohat
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 62111 62111 62111
Female Population 58852 0 58852
Households 22288 0 22288
list of all Villages in Rohat
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Diwandi 3701.84 2389
Pukhtari 573.23 482
Lambra 1063.01 619
Gelawas 2105.13 2200
Reoda Khurd 717.04 541
Panch Padariya 1560.23 1751
Khutani 2398.63 2439
Mandawas 6346.14 5987
Murdiya 1222.82 1297
Phenkariya 1253 1079
Heerawas 462 247
Khandi 2126 1929
Dungar Pur 1902 1917
Sonailakha 2945 2263
Sajianpura 1067 1009
Saji 981 978
Nehra 962 696
Dholeriya Sasan 1330 991
Dholeriya Jagir 1463 1154
Jaitpur 3712 3244
Beenja 2555.13 2161
Chenda 1544 2398
Sirana 1443 1335
Pati 2842 1719
Hanjawa 802 640
Dhingana 879.23 1351
Umkali 697.86 1097
Kundli Charnan 377.26 63
Dewan 1737.35 1418
Bhinder 1291.13 983
Kulthana 1168.3 1758
Rakhana 555.89 485
Bassi 1244.27 978
Vayad 2866 2870
Rana 4103.21 2935
Sedariya 1188 1041
Undra 902.33 941
Garwaliya 958 925
Malwa 963 598
Khundawas 1902 1726
Sukarlai 1087 734
Chatelao 1898.48 1322
Garwara 2568 2037
Beethoo 3646.18 2490
Moriya 979 999
Singari 2054 1689
Dhundali 761.52 678
Doodali 1653 1402
Neembli Patelan 1385.17 1318
Neembli Bramnan 1353.14 1076
Lalki 2249 2242
Antan 1171.29 1116
Sanwalta Kalan 3751.3 1619
Sanwalta Khurd 1835 1664
Bhooriyasani 792.81 636
Chamundanagar 275.68 335
Kalali 1962.31 1964
Rampura 1777 1985
Rohat 4394.44 6980
Dalpatgarh 1240.99 734
Danasani 693 572
Mukanpura 1163.17 1072
Chotila 2352.02 2587
Sawaipura 1381.43 613
Dharamdhari 928.65 1128
Gajangarh 1915 1023
Kharda 4349 2867
Bandai 1406.47 1116
Aratiya 2141 2041
Dhabar 2445 2449
Kanawas 1184 506
Doodiya 1218 1250
Mandli Darjiyan 1388 1178
Bhakriwala 3430 2546
Indrokon Ki Dhani 468 2269
Jheetra 1453 1445
Madpuriya 478 642
Kala Pipal Ki Dhani 1163 1296
Peepaliya Ki Dhani 859 709

Map of Rohat

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