Indian Village Directory

Sumerpur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Pali District of Rajasthan. According to Census 2011 information Sumerpur has a population of 198125 peoples. There are 40761 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Sumerpur sub-district of Rajasthan state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Sumerpur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 71493 71493 99282
Female Population 72810 26033 98843
Households 30566 10195 40761
list of all Villages in Sumerpur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Chanod 5788 5644
Anoppura 365.17 1272
Beethura 2102.62 1707
Dhola Jageer 1180 2337
Bargaowra 1563 1616
Bhachoonda 2419 1582
Pichawa 1328 1472
Lapod 1807 1707
Dhola Shasan 969 1139
Kenpura 305 708
Barli 438.6 483
Dhana 1044 1816
Daulpura 473 909
Baba-Gaon 1140 1893
Basant 1014 2493
Pawa 3988 6516
Khejariya 383 0
Nawa Khera 1033 1103
Gogra 1003.6 1791
Rajpura 1176.39 1681
Heengola 1353.73 2417
Koselao 3478 7561
Kheemara 842 1839
Bangri 596 1011
Khangri 590 670
Birami Ki Dhani 1323 353
Birami 2313 2848
Venpura 870 782
Deotara 1661 1012
Akdara 635 902
Sanderao 6307 8075
Dujana 3789 5799
Guriya 438 605
Balana 2564 4325
Bithiya 886.49 1287
Nowi 1190.83 4260
Jana 935.05 1049
Balupura 440 796
Naya Balupura 218.82 566
Bankali 3401 5858
Khiwandi 2787.75 5535
Sindroo 2332 2330
Khindara Gaon 1862 1658
Netra 1426 1870
Rojra 1788 1450
Mordoo 367.37 486
Pomawa 1221.53 3332
Bharoonda 2166.9 4070
Bagar 193 0
Korta 1354 2771
Bamnera 566 732
Khera Narwi 96 222
Poyana 207 470
Dhanapura 438 873
Bapu Nagar 700.79 1224
Palri 1569.7 3601
Salodariya 320.78 1207
Fatapura 187.85 461
Purara 1142.14 3359
Kanpura 454.54 1977
Jakhora 2380 3077
Parakhiya 1045 1093
Koliwara 1804 3545
Angor 369 1286
Sonpura 214 417
Ramnagar 208 856
Galthani 565 1820
Balwana 1039 4697

Map of Sumerpur

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