Indian Village Directory

Kodaikanal is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Kodaikanal has a population of 115250 peoples. There are 30771 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kodaikanal sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kodaikanal
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 35341 35341 57884
Female Population 34677 22689 57366
Households 18836 11935 30771
list of all Villages in Kodaikanal
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kookkal 3805.89 7024
Vilpatti 3092.83 13437
Vadagounchi 9506.3 4434
Pachalur 983.69 2367
Periyur 1725.42 3202
Thandigudi 1056.38 3123
Kodaikanal 242.51 2831
Poombarai 2019.64 5574
Mannavanur 3072.56 8117
Poondi 2108.59 5816
Vellagavi 1469.65 824
Adukkam 2346.22 3665
Kamanur 1309.89 3699
Kilakkuchettipatti 2636.43 3095
Poolathur 1142.28 2810

Map of Kodaikanal

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