Indian Village Directory

Perundurai is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Erode District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Perundurai has a population of 266106 peoples. There are 78922 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Perundurai sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Perundurai
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 72507 72507 134270
Female Population 68860 62976 131836
Households 42355 36567 78922
list of all Villages in Perundurai
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Thoranavavi 766.58 2153
Madathupalayam 280.18 800
Vettaiankinar 419.67 1058
Sungakarampalayam 129.82 834
Thingalur 1054.68 4541
Karukkapalayam 653.12 1634
Nichampalayam 1232.34 4698
Pandiampalayam 953.58 4258
Singanallur 818.16 2833
Olapalayam 106.96 646
Mullampatti 481.15 1856
Kandampalayam 186.34 717
Periyavilamalai 277.51 352
Sinnavilamalai 61.74 223
Thiruvachi 837.6 2678
Poovampalayam 102.37 846
Palakarai 751.22 3570
Chinnamallampalayam 338.61 1029
Nimittipalayam 322.84 2004
Unjapalayam 187.78 723
Kallakulam 184.36 763
Sellappampalayam 224.18 767
Talayampalayam 292.45 865
Polanaickampalayam 400.74 1097
Karandipalayam 383.15 1231
Pappampalayam 358.33 1319
Chinnavirasangili 600.52 2649
Periyaveerasangili 594.18 3103
Marappanaickampalayam 50.63 544
Moongilpalayam 679.76 3283
Mettupudur 476.4 2465
Ayegoundanpalayam 312.42 2772
Seenapuram 665.3 2692
Thuduppathi 245.45 2781
Sullipalayam 351.59 2990
Pattackarampalayam 413.38 3187
Kullampalayam 348.45 1388
Ponmudi 445.34 1219
Vadamugam Vellode 2451.28 11023
Pungampadi 843.5 2643
Kavundachipalayam 1054.09 5153
Thenmugam Vellode 3231.83 8897
Mukasi Pulavapalayam 304.95 1020
Ingur 2396.55 5986
Kambiliampatti 777.43 2465
Varapalayam 640.71 1070
Kongampalayam 234.88 388
Sirukkalanchi 1166.2 2334
Kuthampalayam 577.59 1364
Voipadi 1429.15 1791
Chennimalai 2230.02 2604
Murungatholuvu 2801.27 7097
Pudupalayam . 734.35 1217
Nanjai Palatholuvu 178.88 179
Punjai Palatholuvu 1477.23 1879
Kodumanal 705.3 868
Orathupalayam 277.01 385
Ellaigramam 605.72 1101
Ekkattampalayam 1383.96 4720
Basuvapatti 807.03 3406
Kuppuchipalayam 424.78 1209
Chennimalai R.F. 679.95 0

Map of Perundurai

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