Indian Village Directory

Kadavur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Karur District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Kadavur has a population of 109839 peoples. There are 25918 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kadavur sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kadavur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 54793 54793 54793
Female Population 55046 0 55046
Households 25918 0 25918
list of all Villages in Kadavur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kosur 1915.47 7638
Mathagiri 1308.44 2613
Thondamanginam 1248.83 4948
Pappayambadi 935.02 1432
Vadavambadi 1285.87 2752
Manjanaickenpatti 2373.48 4637
Pannapatti 1423.63 3680
Vellapatti 1792.04 3854
Keeranur 2155.33 5469
Thennilai 2002.99 4323
Varavanai 2086.41 4985
Melappaguthi 2273.67 5275
Kalayapatti 959.23 2075
Devarmalai 1780.58 4184
Adhanur 1600.91 3526
Sembianatham 4213.74 5766
D.Edayapatti 8452.91 14145
Palaviduthi 2652.92 7420
Mullippadi 1966.9 4854
Mavathur 2493.3 6706
Keelappaguthi 1499.21 7483
Valvarmangalam 765.77 2074

Map of Kadavur

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