Indian Village Directory

Krishnarayapuram is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Karur District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Krishnarayapuram has a population of 119213 peoples. There are 31279 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Krishnarayapuram sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Krishnarayapuram
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 50358 50358 59415
Female Population 50579 9219 59798
Households 26317 4962 31279
list of all Villages in Krishnarayapuram
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Balarajapuram 814.52 5720
Renganathapuram (North) 1000.14 3070
Renganathapuram (South) 852.66 2412
Mayanur 734.37 4574
Thirukkampuliyur 1472.76 6487
Manavasi 1032.09 2963
Sithalavai 1816.48 3706
Kammanallur 275.55 2121
Mahadhanapuram(North) 694.21 5396
Chinthalavadi 1816.48 10325
Pillapalayam 1091.64 4671
Kallapalli 520.47 6043
Karuppathur 1760.42 5968
Vayalur 1878.18 3899
Veeriyapalayam 2101.13 3530
Sengal 1778.84 3849
Muthurengampatti 718.79 1409
Panjapatti 1892.48 4278
Pothuravuthanpatti 2711.65 5263
Pappakkapatti 1806.61 5354
Sivayam (North) 2311.67 7340
Sivayam (South) 1363.09 2559

Map of Krishnarayapuram

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