Indian Village Directory

Thiruverumbur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Tiruchirappalli District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Thiruverumbur has a population of 225517 peoples. There are 56678 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Thiruverumbur sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Thiruverumbur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 27265 27265 114753
Female Population 27394 83370 110764
Households 13513 43165 56678
list of all Villages in Thiruverumbur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Panayakurichy 257.71 2071
Kilamullakudy 346.63 1908
Kuvalakkudy 314.25 2174
Vengur 610.9 3487
Natarajapuram 545.93 1294
Arasangudy 528.15 1745
Kiliyur 860.94 1720
Pathalapattai 1308.51 2734
Kilakurichy 1026.34 8782
Kilakalkandarkottai 663.31 2073
Sholamadevi 874.01 3348
Tirunedunkulam 1336.2 2877
Asur 1084.42 1579
Elandapatti 374.01 754
Kumbakudy 1039.01 3631
Gundur 1359.24 10386
Sooriyur 3119.87 3361
Kandalur 518.82 735

Map of Thiruverumbur

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