Indian Village Directory

Palimela is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Jayashankar Bhupalpally District of Telangana. According to Census 2011 information Palimela has a population of peoples. There are houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Palimela sub-district of Telangana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Palimela
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population
Female Population
list of all Villages in Palimela
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Burgugudem 99 255
Dammur 334 287
Timmatigudem 171 199
Lenkalagadda 336 589
Muknur 2928 640
Moded 127 282
Neelampalle 223 285
Venchepalle 133 252
Kamanpalle 390 1865
Palmela 1475 1656
Pankena 1930 1226
Sarvaipet 276 1145
Bheemanpalle 153 0
Boipalmela 123 0
Garkepalle 334 0
Kishtapur 464 1057
Medigadda 81 572

Map of Palimela

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