Indian Village Directory

Marpalle is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Vikarabad District of Telangana. According to Census 2011 information Marpalle has a population of peoples. There are houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Marpalle sub-district of Telangana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Marpalle
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population
Female Population
list of all Villages in Marpalle
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Bilkal 533 1284
Mallikarjungiri 255 478
Buchanpalle 1731 3223
Damasthapur 1403 1562
Ghanpur 1484 1127
Jamshedapur 214 639
Ramapur 903 1856
Kalkoda 2049 3036
Shapur 308 854
Komshetpalle 603 2241
Allapur 236 743
Kothlapur 908 1887
Kotmarpalle 1364 2428
Marpalle kalan 2186 7282
Mogiligundla 485 1040
Narsapur 209 48
Panchalingal 611 2215
Patloor 2178 5565
Kudgunta 474 411
Peddapur 672 253
Gundlamarpalle 391 785
Pilligundla 253 876
Ravalpalle 696 281
Thimmapur 463 1509
Sirpura 1760 4002
Dargulpalle 365 471
Thummalapalle 873 1426
Veerlapalle 663 1708

Map of Marpalle

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