Indian Village Directory

Dasda is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the North Tripura District of Tripura. According to Census 2011 information Dasda has a population of 102037 peoples. There are 21451 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Dasda sub-district of Tripura state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Dasda
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 44407 44407 52572
Female Population 42289 7176 49465
Households 18073 3378 21451
list of all Villages in Dasda
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Ujan machhmara R.F. 10902 6354
Laljuri (Part) 321.5 1126
Jayantipara 490 2096
Jamraipara 1812 2604
Santipur 289 2231
Sibnagar 543 2201
Kanchanchhara 1563 4148
Chandipur 1323 1298
Manu Chailengta R.F. 5031 1462
Satnala 2385 7991
Dasda Laxmipur 1730 5835
Kamarmara 683 515
Dasmanipara 1385 771
Taiyangpara 1136 4334
Sunitipur 1203 808
Kalapania 974 864
Lambachhara 772 108
Ramprasaipara 831 283
Tuichhama 1879 4557
Gachirampara 2405 21601
Central Catchment R.F. 395 14476
Paschim Tlangsanbari (Part) 866 830
Belianchief (Part) 1305 203

Map of Dasda

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