Indian Village Directory

Kumarghat is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the North Tripura District of Tripura. According to Census 2011 information Kumarghat has a population of 89190 peoples. There are 20503 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kumarghat sub-district of Tripura state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kumarghat
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 42525 42525 45238
Female Population 41294 2658 43952
Households 19240 1263 20503
list of all Villages in Kumarghat
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Rajkandi 1254 1722
Radhanagar 1326 5329
Krishnanagar 663 3842
Jagannathpur 875 3729
Natingchhara 178 562
Dakshin Unakuti R.F. 1688 390
Sonaimuri 665 4023
Kumarghat (Part) 324.07 5059
Gakulnagar 405 3352
Ganganagar 759 3118
Purba Ratachhara 986 6679
Paschim Ratachhara 1614 5115
Saidachhara 1372 1113
Dengdung 1295 1654
Laljuri 618 1506
Paschim Kanchanbari 950 6649
Masauli 751 4459
Dudhpur 622 5278
Betchhara 1194 4957
Purba Kanchanbari 505 3140
Pabiachhara (Part) 1273 9104
Deo Reserve Forest (Part) 2923 3039

Map of Kumarghat

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