Indian Village Directory

Panisagar is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the North Tripura District of Tripura. According to Census 2011 information Panisagar has a population of 111565 peoples. There are 24883 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Panisagar sub-district of Tripura state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Panisagar
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 44919 44919 57177
Female Population 43127 11261 54388
Households 19609 5274 24883
list of all Villages in Panisagar
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Balidhum 1738 1500
Paschim Halflong 603 2208
Radhapur 406 3826
Dhupirband 637 7006
Kameswar (Part) 584.02 7535
Ganganagar 1222 6771
Bagbasa 1650 3842
Uttar Padmabil 1161 5873
Uptakhali 732 4675
Jubarajnagar 627 4425
Purba Halflong 442 2395
Rajnagar 1212 4695
Paschim Tilthai 1365 1313
Purba Tilthai 980 4275
Deochhara 528 4843
Ramnagar 263 2489
Roa 1209 6544
Bilthai 650 2598
Pekuchhara 903 1852
Jalebasa 740 5112
Dakshin Padmabil 630 2628
Indurail (Part) 1336 1641

Map of Panisagar

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