Indian Village Directory

Pencharthal is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the North Tripura District of Tripura. According to Census 2011 information Pencharthal has a population of 43146 peoples. There are 9207 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Pencharthal sub-district of Tripura state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Pencharthal
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 22048 22048 22048
Female Population 21098 0 21098
Households 9207 0 9207
list of all Villages in Pencharthal
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Paschim Andharchhara 2255 2357
Purba Andharchhara 1211 1602
Lakshmanchhara 1239 3152
Nabinchhara 1044 1704
Pencharthal 1044 6781
Birchandranagar 2216 778
Laljuri (Part) 321.5 246
Karaichhara 646 1185
Baghaichhara 890 1701
Nalkata 890 3426
Dhanichhara 747 5173
Deo Reserve Forest 6189 1228
Deo Reserve Forest (Part) 2923 1196
Uttar Machmara 1229 7765
Dewanbari 1657 1463
Dakshin Machmara 1183 2445
Rabiraipara 1358 944

Map of Pencharthal

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