Indian Village Directory

North Twenty Four Parganas is a district in the West Bengal state of India. North Twenty Four Parganas has a population of 10009781 peoples. There are 2348683 houses in the district. Here, list of all sub-district / tehsils / blocks / C.D.Blocks in North Twenty Four Parganas district of West Bengal state, which have population and total number of village.
Populations and Households in North Twenty Four Parganas
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 2196554 2196554 5119389
Female Population 2081065 2809327 4890392
Households 993234 1355449 2348683
list of all sub-district / tehsils in North Twenty Four Parganas
Sub-District Total Population(2011) Total Village
Bagda 242974 108
Bongaon 380903 150
Gaighata 330287 100
Swarupnagar 256075 65
Habra - I 225200 55
Habra - II 176490 76
Amdanga 191673 80
Barrackpur - I 182845 38
Barrackpur - II 217171 15
Barasat - I 294628 70
Barasat - II 200918 77
Deganga 319213 107
Baduria 285319 96
Basirhat - I 171613 60
Basirhat - II 226130 67
Haroa 214401 90
Rajarhat 189893 31
Minakhan 199084 73
Sandeshkhali - I 164465 30
Sandeshkhali - II 160976 24
Hasnabad 203262 74
Hingalganj 174545 42
Area not under any Sub-district 5001716 0

Map of North Twenty Four Parganas

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