Indian Village Directory

Mohanpur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Paschim Medinipur District of West Bengal. According to Census 2011 information Mohanpur has a population of 111901 peoples. There are 24107 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Mohanpur sub-district of West Bengal state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Mohanpur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 57558 57558 57558
Female Population 54343 0 54343
Households 24107 0 24107
list of all Villages in Mohanpur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Dobaria 82.55 612
Kantabani 43.71 519
Dhuipara 208.14 1162
Gohalia 16.49 0
Mastafabad 14.33 0
Keot Khalisa 449.75 2696
Mukundapur 123.59 554
Mathuribar 114.53 874
Padima 174.16 690
Bangjhatia 97.93 957
Ichhanagari 61.41 364
Kukuria 46.36 594
Sautia 507.19 4097
Gomunda 435.85 2959
Bhandaripatna 80.09 348
Digda 153.61 992
Palashia 178.47 770
Atharbatia 145.79 786
Kunarda 144.47 967
Asura 35.65 243
Agarara 125.03 1049
Bagpatta 38.05 291
Majurbeli 86.49 471
Borai 490.08 3980
Karkachia 91.86 493
Chakrapada 45.73 651
Remu 316.06 1753
Sarkisamat 216.51 1331
Akhpura 91.46 838
Aladpur 36.47 254
Nargoda 76.3 478
Gholai 43.35 349
Parai 49.33 1236
Malpara 119.95 655
Samsara 343.13 2390
Patpara 49.03 122
Srichandanpur 176.16 2158
Antla 102.8 2326
Barasahapur 76.89 1875
Adalpur 58.78 711
Panchkonia 42.9 210
Singas 185.92 1100
Siyalsai 320.11 2302
Maishamunda 158.99 1195
Gobindapur 57.59 340
Dhorjamua 107.69 999
Jhatia 91.46 662
Chaita 67.64 915
Kusumda 182.85 1876
Garura 65.8 792
Jarisai 159.16 1604
Shankapara 117.32 572
Srirampur 245.36 1576
Sambag 108.05 1171
Jamua 119.69 880
Kashiyabag 22.25 272
Mohanpur 309.61 6049
Dirbbanagar 30.02 350
Chhanageria 35.72 417
Barabeli 117.19 1334
Chhotabeli 52.61 1071
Chak Shalki 54.25 152
Agarara 173.66 1381
Chhangeria Patna 16.55 43
Bagda 187.37 2184
Rampura 192.9 2381
Barabatia 15.67 0
Nayagaon 223.39 1350
Arunya 180.39 1041
Kuraria 90.48 482
Tanuya 421.69 5352
Tarania 149.73 1001
Nakudebeli 64.34 393
Bikpura 145.69 941
Sandapura 47.58 396
Nilda 363.81 2786
Nilpura 246.05 1262
Bilmadhia 27.85 1132
Sagra 27.11 342
Kuchai 114.8 440
Belabarunia 64.43 525
Kashida 140.1 1290
Palua 169.16 535
Shalikhai 88.95 725
Kashichak 48.91 203
Gotsanda 140.79 700
Mayurkhola 123.92 974
Mitinia 76.89 540
Bhatia 124.19 730
Palashia 90.43 930
Singarui 171.66 1140
Rajnagar 148 2885
Garra 77.49 548
Tildapara 119.29 765
Chakpurushottanpur 35.34 266
Gobrachak 48.34 216
Mundigobra 45.73 74
Begunia 121.41 791
Madhabpur 62.6 503
Purunia 307.3 2129
Bhimdebchak 52.93 671
Dantunia 254.98 1254
Amarda 147.31 1166

Map of Mohanpur

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